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Emergency Roof Repair Tips

Tornadoes And High Winds Can Do Severe Damage To Your Roof

They can rip off whole sections of shingles and even your roof decking. Should this happen to you, you should have an emergency roof repair plan in place. Any damage that is left unrepaired can result in even more damage to your home. Here are a few emergency roof repair tips so you can be prepared in the face of disaster.

One of the first things you should do if your roof is damaged by high winds is to cover that area with a tarp once the winds settle down. If your roof is left uncovered, it is susceptible to rain that would cause water damage to the decking and lead to a larger roof repair. A tarp will help keep the water away while you make plans to repair your roof.

Commercial flat roofs can be patched up with a sealing compound, even during a storm. However, you should not try to apply a sealing compound during dangerous weather. Risking injury or death is not worth it.

Once you have collected your thoughts after a storm and have taken temporary precautions, contact a roofing professional to assess and repair the damage.

If you live in Broken Arrow area, and have further questions, give us a call at 918-404-5996.

Outdoor Creations Roofing is located at 1924 W Albany St, in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.